Monthly Archives: February 2012

A visit to my Godmother


Yesterday I visited my Godmother, Vanessa. She is a classy lady, and is a colour and style consultant, and uses colour for healing. She is a generous and kind spirit.

She has breast cancer, and now secondary cancer too.

both times we have visited her recently she has been in bed. She has been going through a voyage of discovery. When you think someone knows themselves, you then discover that they find more to learn about themselves.

When we visited, she told me she had received lots of flowers and cards and things. She had been looking at them from her bed, and decided she needed to write a poem about the lovely daffodils she had been given. This started a whole new thing for her, and she read me out some of her poems. They were so beautiful I had tears rolling down my face. She said that everyone she had read them to, had cried!!!! I suggested these got printed and she said that everyone else had said the same thing! It has inspired her to write more, and she is really enjoying the process.

Again, this is another person who can write a coherent sentence, and add emotion and love to it. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of these poems, in fact, as I sit here at 4,48am I find their words haunt me. It is as though they have been etched into my mind. They are a gift, as is my wonderful and inspirational Godmother!

I just wanted to share this… because I felt so inspired and so joyful when I left. I knew that these poems and the writing of them were helping her in a way, and I am glad of that. I hope they get printed!!!!

Remember to enjoy every day, and see the beauty in it. Even when you feel like doing otherwise! 🙂 XX

Oh to be able to Write!!!


I read a lot of blogs in the course of a week. Some I follow because I get their blog entries straight to my email and some I read via Twitter Links. The common thread of all the blogs I read, is that the bloggers can really write well. They can string an intelligible, interesting and solid sentence together, and put emotion in it.

One of my friends who Blogs is a writer, a published author no less. Her blog is brilliant and there are always new interviews and give aways on it. It is an interesting read. Her name is Margaret West. 

Then there’s the blog of Rosalie’s which is fantastic. her words transport me to another world, and have been known to make me howl with laughter or shed a tear.

Then theres Always a Redhead‘s blog.Full of loveliness and stories about her family. Some funny and some sad.

The other common denominator here is that all of these blogs evoke emotions in me. They all make me think. They also make me want to write better. I have all these wonderful ideas in my head, but to write about them… is another story! but I will be trying, not because I think I might write something as good as the blogs above, but because its a good exercise, and I may learn something about myself in the process 🙂

So, look out for some hopefully interesting posts 🙂

I do urge you to take a look at the above blogs, they really are well worth a read!

Friends are Universal :)


I recently moved miles away from where I used to live. My friends were in one place and I was in another. I dont drive, and Its a long way to expect my friends to come n visit. So, I resigned myself to being friendless. This was not to be (thank GOD!) I went to a Tweet Up, which is a business meeting organised by a lady called Maggie who runs @Officehouds. Through her, and the Tweet Up, I have made real friends. Not that my old ones werent real, its just that I have made new friends. something which I never thought would happen!!! AND not only are they lovely, they are such gorgeously fabbo people. Im so very very lucky!!!!! I thank God for them every day, because they make me smile and I hope I do the same for them 🙂

Then there is Twitter. Yes, its got its problems, but actually my twitterstream is wonderful. Om so lucky to have lovely people on my time line. Real ones, ones that care, and ones that make me laugh, and some that are gold dust!!!!!!

I am so very thankful for my friends!!!!! I just wanted all my Twitter mates, and all my Tweetup peeps to know how wonderful I think you all are!!!!!!!

12 is the Magic Number – meme


12 is the Magic Number for this Meme.

 I have been tagged by the wonderful @tearose on twitter – her fantastic blog is at: in this meme of 12 things. I had not heard of this before, but, having been tagged I must continue to play the game and what else would I be doing on a lovely lazy, sunny, Sunday morning ?

There are a few rules you must follow, but it will ( I hope ) all be worth it in the end , so here goes !!

Here are the rules;

1) You must post the rules.

2) Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post.

3) Answer the 12 questions the tagger has set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the fellow bloggers you plan to tag.

4)Let them know you tagged them.

So, here are 12 fun facts about me;

1) I cant add up.

2) I like reading on my kindle

3) I am quite deaf in one ear

4) I hate TVs

5) I am allergic to tomatos

6) I am a clairvoyant medium

7) im addicted to Monopoly

8) I went without a tv for many years

9) Ive had two driving lessons, and two accidents. one per lesson!

10) I have a strange dress sense

11)  Im married to an entertainer

12) Ive taught our dog to shake hands 🙂

Here are the questions Tearose has asked us to answer

1) What special skill do you have ? Clairvoyant medium

2) What would you choose for your last meal ? probably a MacDonald

3) What is your favourite piece of music or song ? Inner Light. It was featured in an anniversary episode of Star Trek next Gen

4) Which 6 people, living or dead, would you invite to dinner ? John Denver, Pope John Paul, The Queen, Margaret West (friend and author), my friends Sasha and Kelly

5) Savoury or sweet ? Sweet!

6) If you had to live abraod, where would you choose ? ummm prolly America or somewhere quiet, like the outback lol.

7) What is your favourite book ? The Elenium by David Eddings

8) Who would be your ideal travelling companion on a trip round the World ? ummm if I HAD to travel, then id pick my hubby. I really dont do travelling

9) Dogs or cats (or both) ? both. had both cats and currently have a doggy

10) Adrenaline junkie, beach bum or culture vulture ? culture vulture

11) At school, what was your best and worst subject ? maths worse – im discalulic and best would be english

12) How would you spend a £1000 windfall ? I had one of these and I bought a shed which I utterly adore. its my little piece of sanctuary


If I can find 5 people to send this on to… here is the questions.. in fact I prolly dont know 5 bloggers, but those I do, read n do the questions if you wish

1 – snow or no snow?

2 middle name?

3 can you sing?

4 why do you blog?

5 allergies?

6 funniest joke you know?

7 feet size?

8 siblings?

9 favourite destination?

10 what do you do to relax?

11 hot or cold

12 what makes you happy?